Dental Practice Dr. Blagoeva


You can contact us by filling out the form below or by calling the phone number provided.

Contact us

Contact us by filling out the form, calling us on the phone or texting us on Viber at 0888 917 811.

Metro line No. 3 (green), stop Krasno Selo

Tram No. 5, direction Kniazhevo, stop Nishava

Trolley No. 2, direction Buxton Railway Station, stop Doiran Street

Trolley No. 9, direction Borovo railway station, stop Doiran Street

Parking in the area is free.

What our customers are saying

Harald van Gils
Harald van Gils
Mira is a very professional and accurate dentist. In the last two years she has helped me with some severe dental problems, and I'm very happy with the result! Also nice that she speaks perfect Dutch.
Babis Giannakopoulos
Babis Giannakopoulos
Coming from the Netherlands, where I live, and having heard there about the high quality of her work, I visited Mira in Sofia, bringing her a serious dental problem and my strong fear for the dentist. She treated me very skillfully, thoughtfully, compassionately and fast. The outcome is a very successful cure to my problem.
Elena Radeva
Elena Radeva
Dr. Blagoeva is the most professional dentist I have been to! Her dentist office is located in a convenient location, the office is modern and perfectly clean! She has shown top expertise and knowledge of the most up to date dental methods for my treatment.
Boris Mitov
Boris Mitov
Dr. Blagoeva is very kind, a very good specialist, very attentive, super detailed... Her practice is super clean and very welcoming, modern. I am very happy that I found a good specialist and a very good person.
Milan Stoyanov
Milan Stoyanov
A very polite dentist with an approach to the patient, etc. Blagoeva did wonders with my teeth, really professional work.
Jordan Jordanov
Jordan Jordanov
Dr. Blagoeva is a great specialist with a great attitude towards her patients. Polite, attentive, welcoming and with the highest professional skills. I would recommend her without any hesitation to every acquaintance and friend of mine.